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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

MacBook Air Vs. Aspire S7

      Hey guys, it's 12/12/12! Today we will be comparing two very unique items head to head to see which one serves as the best laptop price wise, quality wise, and size wise. The world WILL NOT end on 12/21/12 so start to plan on buying loved ones Christmas presents before it's too late. Both of these laptops are great gifts but we will narrow done the better one so let's begin!

MacBook Air:

    The Macbook Air is the thinnest laptop Apple offers and it comes in 11 inch or 13 inch. The laptop runs with a i5 core and offers the latest updated on iMoive, iTunes, and many other application. Prices start  from $999-11inch and $1119-13inch.

Aspire S7:
    This laptop is a rival to the Macbook air and features a very thin structure as well. This laptop runs from i7 core and prices start from $1649.

   Mac Air:

  • Much more affordable and $500 less
  • Slightly thinner than S7
  • Offers many unique Apple applications
  • Very long life battery (up to 9 hours)
  • Easy magnetic charger port
  • Very sturdy and thin
  • Offers great storage and memory GB drive (2GB)
  • Very fast boost and shutdown time
  • HD facetime camera
  • Perfect screen resolution
   Aspire S7
  • Very light and durable as well
  • i7 processer
  • Extremely fast
  • Touch screen
  • High resolution
  • Strong battery life as well
  • Offers great storage and memory GB drive as well
So what are our thoughts?
    Well, besides the Aspire S7 being touch screen, they are basically very similar. The MacBook Air may offer a longer battery life and better HD camera but Aspire 7 also offers other unique characteristics. Concluding to that, we think that they are even. If you are looking for a thin and fast laptop, both are great choices. So which one is exactly the best, I would have to say the MacBook Air is the winner. First of all, this is $500 less than the Aspire S7 and is slightly thinner as well (there you go, bragging rights). If you really wanted the touch screen too, go ahead and get the S7 but we overall think that the MacBook Air is the winner because it is just as good, if not better than the Aspire and it also is $500 less.

Until next time, 
Reviews and news for views,
                    Daniel Simons
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Monday, December 10, 2012

Turning Hours Into Dollars!

    Hey everyone, today we would like to make a how to blog and share some tips we've learned. Everyone always tries to make money with a side job, and today we will teach you how to make money online with some pay! Note that you will not be guaranteed a hundred percent to succeed but the chances are good. Also please don't rely on this as your main job, you won't be living in your house long if you quit your job and do this.

Turning Hours Into Dollars! = A JOB
This job can be fun or boring depending on your interest. What I mean is that if you work for Intel and you hate technology, this means that this job absolutely sucks. In order to be happy, find a job fun and happy for you! In this case, I find blogging very fun!

Here we begin, here are 5 easy ways to make money! This does not go in order of a ranking!

1. Ebay
       Yes guys, ebay. Many electronics are always high in demand now a days and if you auction an item, the price will incredibly rise. Don't be afraid to start your bid at $0.99, in matter of hours (if your item is in demand) you will be watching triple digit numbers appear right next to your item! It's no surprise when you sell a used item on ebay for more money than you used to buy it. Anyone can use ebay and it's a very reliable and trustworthy site. It's very great and sometimes it can be addicting too! Click here to Learn how to be a PRO Ebay Seller!!!

2. Online Surveys
    It's hard to image that companies pay you to take surveys, but in most cases it's true! Online surveys are really easy to take and all you have to do is sign up. Click Here to Begin!<---- This is one site I reccomend and trust, there are many out there and some are good but some can be scams as well so you better do a little research before you start. So, your probably wondering how much you get paid. Surprisingly, you can get paid from $10-$75 for just taking one survey, but here's the catch, you don't necessarily fill surveys everyday. The site usually chooses you to partake in a survey and you probably get chosen around 6-12 times a month. I mean, that's still not bad considering that you can be paid $75 per survey!

3. Youtube Partnership
     Youtube is always a fun way to make videos but now youtube lets you monetize your videos no matter how many views you have. The good thing about this new feature is that you do not have to be popular to monetize your videos. Basically, what you have to do is link your youtube account with your adsense google account and youtube will post ads on your videos. When people click on them, you get paid! Now, there is no certainty how much you will earn per click but it is always below a dollar. Now the more viewers you have, the more ads will be clicked so you should also advertise your video too! I find Facebook or any other social websites are a good way to share your videos with people! You won't make a ton at first, but if you increase your audience, you will start making something decent each month.

4. Blogging
    I don't know if writing is fun for everyone but it definitely is for me. I find blogging can also help you make some side money. Like youtube, you should grow an audience so that more people go on your site your chances of ads being clicked are higher. One blog site that I highly reccomend is this site, blogger! It's fun and very easy to use. The moment I started using this site, I got a pretty good idea of what was going on. Google always makes their softwares very easy and ideal to use. Now to make money, you should link your blog with google adsense. By doing that, you will be partners and you will have the ability to get some side cash from blogging. Blogging is fun and very easy to do, now don't really on this to make money but if you become a very popular blogger, might as well quit your job and start doing this.

5. Investing
      Investing? You may think to yourself, investing online and making money? Well, yes you can do that right at your own comfort. This is a great way to earn money and almost takes no effort. If your a good investor, your good to go! One site I recommend is cedar finance. You can invest up to $500 at once and the pay out rate is very nice! Say you invest $500, your pick is in your favor, you will make $250. And how long does this take? One minute. The only downslide to this is that if you don't have a clue about investing and all that stock marketing stuff, I wouldn't reccomend you doing this until you've done some research. Other wise, you'll be losing chunks of money in a very short amount of time.
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Sunday, December 9, 2012

iPad Mini vs. Nexus 7

           Hey guys, it's the start of the week and I hope you guys all are having a good week so far. In this blog, we are going to try something new! I know the interesting news articles are fun and we will continue to post those up as well but we also want to write about other things too! Today, we'll be talking the new iPad mini verses the nexus 7. These two products have been hot in stores and today we will be comparing them and helping you guys decide which is the best to buy. By the way, Christmas is almost here and these two products will definitely make a great Christmas present.

Pros for iPad mini:                                                                   Pros for Nexus 7:
- Very light and thin                                                                    - Very affordable
- Very thin charger port                                                               - Latest Google features
- Long battery life                                                                        - Hyper-fast Tegra 3 processor
- Good HD display                                                                      - Very easy to customize and use
- Larger than the Nexus                                                               - Rated best designed android tablet                                     

So what are our thoughts on this, which one is the winner? I personally think that the iPad mini is the winner, starting at $349. I think I would invest that $100 more on the tablet since it is definitely a longer lasting product and probably is a slightly better quality product. I mean, if you were going to buy a tablet for your child, niece, or grandchild, I would buy the Nexus simply because it's cheaper and they may only use it for games and such. If you were to buy a tablet for a good friend or a loved one, I would choose the iPad. This all depends on how much you want to spend and what quality you want.
As they say, "you pay for what you get!" 
    Until next time guys!
           Happy Holidays from J4FP
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Saturday, December 8, 2012


Good morning everyone! Hope you're all having a great start off to the weekend!

1. Apparently, one lucky customer went home to the surprise that her new box for an iPad actually had five in them! First of all, I have no idea how Apple could've messed up like that, but I guess it's their loss anyway. Once the customer contacted Best Buy, they said that she could keep all five iPads! If you think about it, this was a pretty classy move by Best Buy. They told the woman "We, here at Best Buy, acknowledge that we obviously made a mistake, but in the spirit of the holidays, we encourage you to keep the additional iPads and give them to people in need – friends, family, a local school or charity". Now that's pretty awesome.

2. The Heisman Trophy ceremony is tonight for the best college football player of the year! QB Collin Klein of KSU, freshman QB Johnny Manziel of Texas A&M, and LB Manti Te'o of Notre Dame are going up against each other. I think Te'o is the most deserving since he lead his team to their first #1 ranking since 1993. Aaand he got 7 interceptions as a linebacker, which is unheard of. What do you all think? Who should win it? Good luck to all the very deserving candidates tonight! 

3. On a more serious note, there have been a handful of earthquakes these past couple of weeks. A 5.5 magnitude earthquake hit eastern Iran and killed at least six people. Japan was hit by yet another earthquake on Friday, measuring at a magnitude of 7.3. The earthquake caused evacuations and tsunami warnings. Last week, Phillipines was shook by a 6.4 earthquake, but thankfully no one was injured. Please keep all of these countries in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully they can have a quick and efficient recovery!

Well, that's it for today. Wishing you all a super spectacular day!!

Friday, December 7, 2012



What's up guys!!! How's life, and it's Friday it's Friday gotta get down on Friday! Lol... in the spirits.

So first of all, we've created a second blog for anyone interested in Christianity, check it out!              Here's the link to that blog ----->

Soooo first interesting news. This is actually kinda funny. Basically mustaches are very popular in the Middle East, and mustache transplants have been on the rise in Istanbul, Turkey. The thin mustaches are decent but many say that the thick and hairy ones are the best! LOL. So... how much is this transplant??? A Whooping $7000!!!!! Like seriously? Why are mustaches so exciting to them. Must have been that mustache video on youtube that influenced them. Or, maybe everyone wants to be Albert Einstein or something like that. We'll this mustache thing is getting kinda weird, how bout we move to something else!

Ok this next one is kind of crazy! Do you guys have younger siblings or have kids? Check this out... nearly two dozen Kindergarteners were Suspended, yes SUSPENDED, for exposing themselves. Ok I'm pretty sure when you were four or five years old you had no clue what was going on at school. What a crazy principle, suspending kindergarteners. Leave your thoughts and comments below, should they have been suspended? I personally think no. You know how fast things spread now a days. One person starts doing something and then the next thing you know everyone starts doing it. I'm assuming that one little kid started exposing himself and then all the kids did it because they knew nothing and didn't know what they could of gotten themselves into. Remember guys, we're talking about kids that are five or four years old. I clearly think that this principle is too crazy and too strict. What is he? Body patrol guy? Well it's too bad and we can't really do anything bout that sooooo moving on!

This last one just doesn't make sense. Check this out, a bus driver in Austria found a bag with $500,000 of cash in it! KUDOS to the bus driver for returning this in to the police, I mean it must have been very tempting to keep all of that. You would think that this money belongs to some rich business man or some famous person but think twice. This bag of fortune belonged to an elderly woman! Ok, why in the world would  you be carrying a bag full of that much money?? One thousand dollars in cash is already pretty ridiculous to carry around but we're talking about that times 500,000. What has the world come to (lol i have no idea).

Wrap up!!!!!
     It's Friday!
      HAVE A SUPERFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS WEEKEND!!! (idk if that's even spelled right)

Thursday, December 6, 2012


12/6/12                    J4FP "That's where it's at!"

1. All you Dark Knight Rises fans out there, yesterday they just released the trilogy!
Get yours today and maybe check out our parody (trust me this one is better than the other one cause we're asian lol).

2. Ok guys, let's get down to some very controversial stuff. Mayans? 2012? Apocalypse? Real or fake? First of all I do not want to offend anyones religion or culture.

This is our point of view:
       No one knows when the end of the world is ok? Mayans are way back in the day and they did not have the technology that we do today... I mean think about it, if we still can't predict the end of the world how can they? This is just fake crap made up and no one should believe it. No guys, we are not going to die and we will wake up on December 22 and it's going to be another average day. If your a Christian, you should know that no one knows when the world will end but God himself. So guys, no worries, the world will not end on December 21st. Don't cancel your plans and stuff because you will regret it when you wake up on December 22.

3. I just want to laugh at this one. Starbucks made and released their new coffee called Costa Rica Finca Palmilera. Just because this sounds fancy doesn't mean it cost a buzzing $7!!! Starbucks claims that the coffee contains rich and rare beans from Costa Rica. First of all, if the beans were rare, wouldn't they not produce hundreds of thousands of these coffees everyday world-wide? This makes no sense! Starbucks first of all already rips people off with their most ridiculously bakery that is wicked expensive. Guys you know what, screw this, go to Mc' Ds for their $1 coffee! Anyways, Jimmy Kimmel did an experiment where he took two cups and poured each cup with the same coffee. He then went out onto the streets and asked people which one was the $7 coffee. Surprisingly, all but one person thought they were different coffees. This just tells us how our society is brainwashed with all this societal stuff.

4. Finally, we cannot forget our one direction fans can we? (well actually we can but we just choose not to or else we'll be hated and we won't be as popular)
Here's some tips on how we deal with our 1D people:
     - Just deny deny deny that they are not good no matter what they say
     - Compare them with better artists like Justin Bieber because atleast Biebs knows how to ball
     - Right when you hear the music being played, make a negative        comment on it
     - Finally, make, watch, and show parodies of 1D... have you heard of what doesn't make you beautiful? it's cruel but it's true <-----

Embrace yourself ----------------------------------------------------------->

Thank you!
 Leave comments too on your views and what your think!!!

Wrap upppp!
      Had a good day, bad day, fun day, sad day? We'll no matter what day you had go to our youtube channel cause it will lighten up your day!

Have a great day everyone! PEACE! HOMEDWAG
PS: LECRAE will be a topic in our upcoming blogs <------ he's a baller at everything

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


J4FP That's where it's at!! =)
Hey everyone! Hope yall are having a great day (no idea why I just said that)!!

1. Have you guys seen this? It's the new uniform design by West Point for its football team and its last game of their season. Not only do these look BA, but     there's also a really cool part to it, including a historical map drawn inside the numbers and sleeves. The helmet also features a small black spade on the side to honor the 101st Airborne Division. Not only does it look awesome, but I really like how it commemorates the people who have served in the army. Do any of you have a specific favorite uni? Leave something in the comments!

2. In other sports news, the New Orleans Hornets' owners have decided to rename the team to the Pelicans. What?? I understand that it's like the state bird or something, but really? Just take a look at it- looks kinda weird and super confused.. Well, I guess it does fit the description for the team judging the team's 5-11 start. What do you think about the change? Any other suggestions, or do you think they should just stick to the Hornets?                                                                                

3. Sorry to all you non-sports fans. Here we go, on to other stuff. Here's the hilarious video on Jimmy Kimmel's coffee experiment. At least the last guy understood it! Personally, I'd just buy 7 huge cans of Arizona. Pretty sure it's as delicious as one cup of coffee. $ave money! What do you think? Would you be willing to buy one cup of coffee for 7 bucks?

4. Grammy nominations just came out! Sorry to all you Directioners out there, but 1D was left out of the nominations for Best New Artist. Thankfully, Justin Bieber was left out. The nominations for Record of the Year include "we are never evereverever getting back together" and "we are young". What do you all think? Any snubs you're disappointed about? Surprises?



12/5/2012     J4FP blog--------> 
           What is up today guys? First of all I'd like to get down to business, if you haven't seen our Youtube channel yet, you should do it right now and watch our videos! Some of them are actually pretty funny!

Now on the big stuff....
         1. More than 65 schools in MA and more than 20,000 students nationwide will begin to have an increase of 1.8 hours of school in the year 2014. Is this really what Michelle Obama cares about? School is good for kids, I'll have to admit, but too much... is that good? Well, according to students, obviously it sucks for them (unless your a nerd) but let's look at it in another perspective. Let's say it's fall and there's football practice. If we were to have longer school hours, we're only going to be able to get in around 45 minutes of practice before the sun goes down. Another thing... some people are not as fortunate as others and teens might have to work to get money in order to support family. If their time gets cut that means their pay check will be cut. Overall, this whole new rule the government made is crap.

        2. MLB winter meetings are currently in session. Some major moves have been the signings of Mike Napoli to Boston along with Shane Victorino. Will Josh Hamilton move to another team? Leave a comment below! In my opinion I think Hamilton will most likely land back in Texas. Right now in the league, teams aren't willing to pay big salaries for Hamilton. By the way, if the Rangers lose Hamilton they will not have a back up for him. This will all come down soon... where Hamilton lands is a suspense! Keep updated!

 Wrap upppp!
     Do you know someone, a friend, a family member, or even an adult who is in love with One Direction? Do you know what to do with them? Leave comments below for ideas lol.

That's it guys, check back on the 'morrow for more news! Have a GREAT DAY! :) PEACE

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The start to J4FP

J4FP BLOGS.... It's going to be an amazing journey on youtube and here. Hey guys, this is my first blog so I just want to keep it plain and simple. Ever heard of our Youtube channel? Go visit it like and share! Subscribe as well!!!
Anyways guys, I'll get back to you with something more interesting sooner than later!

Peace out guys!

Follow my blogs for very interesting and inside news!